Hospitality and Catering

A huge congratulation goes out to those learners who participated in the Hospitality and Catering day in friday! The atmosphere was exellent, and all those who took part were a credit to themselves and the school!

Well done people!!

Intense Science

Next week, a number of students will benefit from a three day intensive Science support course on Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday. These people must attend in order to achieve.

If you are on the list, THIS IS HUGE!!!! as this could be the thing that takes you above the 5A*-C threshold.

I want every member of Olwen to achieve this goal, and anything that is put there to help you, must be grabbed with both hands! Your TFL's will be made aware of who you are, and will let you know!

Exam Expectations

I am extremely concerned about the number of learners who are not behaving correctly in exams. every day this week, some people in Years 10 and 11 have been removed from exams because their behaviour has not been acceptable.

When you are a candidate for an external examination, you are following the rules set down by the examinations board, and the same regulations apply to every school in Britain.

If you are talking, using mobile phones, being disruptive or any other thing that is deemed to be wrong, you will be asked to leave and your paper will be cancelled, as well as every paper you would sit for the exam board.

This is not an idle threat, this has happened in this school before, and should the behaviour not improve, I suspect it will happen again.

Although this is a problem in all houses, I do not wish any Olwen learners to fall foul of this.

So the simple message is: behave in examinations, follow all instructions, achieve to your potential, and all will be well.

fail to do so, and it will have serious repercussions.

Book signing for Local Author

Paul Manship, a year 6 teacher at Milbrook, is also an successful author. He will be in Waterstones in Newport on Saturday signing books from 11am - 1pm.

Pop along and meet a successful author and maybe pick up that special present for someone!!

The Canal

Following on from the note of last week regarding road safety and ice, it has come to my attention that some people think it is a fantastic idea to walk across the frozen canal...

It is amazing how blatantly obvious it is how BAD an idea this actually is - we all know the dangers of falling in the canal, with its depth, weeds and bit of rubbish at the bottom etc...

Add the fact that if someone falls though ice they rarely resurface because they cannot find the hole they fell though, and it becomes a particularly stupid idea.

So the simple message in this posting is:



Got exams next week or in the summer?

If so, do not take your coat or bag into your examination room as it is not permitted in either these exams or the exams in the summer. All personal belongings must be put away in your locker prior to entering the exam hall, as there is physically nowhere to keep stuff in the room!

Road safety

I am a little concerned that I have to say this to people in KS4 of a secondary school, so I shall make this simple:

The big long grey/black thing outside the school is called a ROAD.

Roads, have things on them called cars, vans and lorries. These are made of metal and travel at speed. If one hits you it can seriously hurt or kill you.

Knowing this, as I am sure you do, why am I hearing of people running across the road in front of traffic????

please act your age and cross the road safely...

Examination information

Do you have exams soon?

Not sure where to go?

Look on the Examinations board between red and green wings and all the information you will ever need about upcoming exams is there!


It has been noted by our illustrious leaders (not me) that lateness is become an issue within the school, and therefore to Olwen house as well.

We all know this is bad, and should not be happening, so things are being done about it. If you are late more than two times in a week, a C4 will be given.

If lateness does not improve then your folks will be contacted and asked to come in for an interview where the problem can be discussed.

No one wants this, so make sure you are in school and in your lessons on time!

Sixth Form Question and Answer Session

A Q&A session has been scheduled for Thursday 2nd December at 4pm in the hall for parents and students in Year 11 who want to discuss the Sixth Form.

This is not a compulsary session and is simply for information gathering. There will be a pathway's evening in March and student interviews later in the spring term.

Mr. Roth.


Carillion Construction training are offering apprenticeships early next year. Recruitment will start in February with successful candidates starting in August. For more information go to

football tournament

Mr Devney is running a football tournament for years 7 - 10 in the last week of term.

Losing is not an option....

Therefore organisation must happen! I need a team from year 9 and another from year 10 - If you are interested in forming a team, come and see me in reg!

careers adviser

got this from Gaynor Nash, the careers advisor:

"Mr. Boschen,

Just to let you know I am very impressed with your students. I arranged interviews in Monday registration for Tuesday and Wednesday and EVERYONE remembered. I did not have to chase any students which makes my live in school so much easier

Lets hope the high standards continues!"

Keep it up people!!

Mock exams

Do you have mock exams?

Are you thinking you might have study leave?


There is no study leave this year, and attendance is compulsory before, during and after your exams.

Make sure you attend revision sessions laid on in form and in departments - they are there to help you!!

House Captains

Matthew and Casey, the Olwen House Captains, will be coming around registration rooms on Monday. If you wish to talk to them about ANYTHING, they are more than happy to talk to you!

recent exams...

Have you recently taken an exam in Maths and English? Are you a member of the Olwen target group? Do you feel you do not need to attend sessions because you have taken your exams?


Until you know you have achieved your qualifications, you should still be attending revision sessions.

Mr Jones and Miss Hewkins are working hard to help you out during registration times, please make their efforts worthwhile!



Have you passed one or more GCSEs? Have you collected your certificates? If not, why not??

These certificates are proof that you have achieved qualifications in school and will be required for job or college interviews.

If you have not collected your certificates, can you make a point of seeing the Admin staff at the hatch and collecting what is rightfully yours?

Assembly today

I am extremely proud to be the Head of Olwen at the moment, because of the way you acted in assembly today! You listened and understood, and you showed respect!

very well done!!!

HPV vaccinations


HPV vaccinations are to be held on the 19th November for those who have not had the jabs yet. Forms can be collected from the office!

Year 11 prom!!

The prom will be held at Peterstone Lakes this year!!

100% attendance

These people in Olwen have achieved 100% attendance this year! they are:

Joseph Brehony, Declan Grant, Llewellyn Harris, Callum Harwood, Jade Hodge, Emma Jones, Phoebe Lampitt, Sheldon Lewis, Mathew Nightingale, Sekinat Olutunde, Ashley Perkins, Chantell Vickery and Aimee Whitehead.

Keep up the good work people!
There will be a visit from IMPROVE (Inspiring Young People Project) on friday.
Olwen and Taliesin learners are to go to the hall for 4th lesson.
Please be prompt, and act as you always do in assemblies please!
Also a massive thanks to Mr. Jones in ICT for making the blog work, allowing Olwen a forum on par with the rest of the houses!!

So far , Olwen house have exceeded expectations and it is only the first month in, from excellent exam results across all year groups, to mature and sensible behaviour during firedrills, members of Olwen are showing how pleasant and hard working they can be! Keep it up people!
Could students think and discuss in forms about what they expect to be able to get from the canteen for £2! All suggestions will be passed on to Mrs Keane to try and improve canteen and possibly lower prices! We will be round for ideas next week.

Gavin and Stacey
As you all may know, Mr Schlick will be leaving us this summer.

We think it would be nice to give him a house thank you message in the next 'Blues News', if anyone has any ideas of what to put then please give them to your form reps, tutors or Gavin and Stacey.
Taste of Italy day!
Tuesday in the canteen will be a taste of Italy day, with the place being turned into an Italian restaurant!

The food will include lasagne, pasta bolognaise and pizza!
Italian music will accompany the day!
• New ideas for the next blues News wanted, please give any ideas to their form reps

• Reminder that the next house meeting is Monday lesson 2 in the conference room.
For the second year, the school Eisteddfod has been won by Olwen! Virtually every competition was entered - Phoebe Lampitt and the Kempson sisters must be mentioned for the excellent piano playing and singing!

Well done to you all!
Congratulations to Connor Lingard, for getting three gold medals in the Welsh Schools Gymnastics competition, including the individual under nineteen competition! He will now go ahead and represent Wales in the british championships

It was discussed at the last council meeting what you can and cannot do to personalize your lockers. It was decided that you can put anything appropriate that you like on the inside of your locker using blue tack, or anything else that will not damage the inside of the locker. No glue!

We are looking for a name for the Olwen News letter - any suggestions please see Stacey or Gavin!