Christmas Lunch

Christmas Lunch will be served tomorrow, Wednesday and Thursday of this week in the food court. 

Message from Miss Butcher regarding Yr 10 work experience

Year 10 Work Experience

Hi all,

Thank you to the Year 10 students who have already secured their work experience placement. Da iawn - I am very impressed :)

The dates for your work experience are 7th July 2014 - 11th July 2014.

Just a reminder to all Year 10 students that you should find your own work experience placement and provide me with a letter or an email to say that the employer has accepted you.

It is important to find your own placement, because you will be able to go where you want for your work experience.

If you have not found your own placement, you will be choosing your Wish List on Wednesday 4th December. You will be able to choose three placements using the Careers Wales database. It is not guaranteed that you will be accepted on the three choices, which is why it is much better to be proactive and find your own placement.

I will not be able to call companies for every student as there are around 180 students in Year 10 - you will need to call the company yourself or send the letters you have written during your PSE lessons to the employers. However, if the company request a callback from the school then I am happy to do this.

There are lots of ideas for work experience placements - schools, nurseries, vets, accountants, ICT companies, hair dressers, beauty salons, garages, retail and many more.

Any questions - please email me at

The deadline for all Year 10 students to find their own placement is Friday 20th December.


Miss Butcher



Ski trip

There are still places available on the school's annual ski trip to Serre Chevalier in France Easter 2015.

The trip is for one week and includes full board, skiing lessons, flights etc and will cost a total of £999.00.

If you would like to attend please email or see her at break time in the staff room.

Miss Parkhouse

Operation Christmas Child

We usually do very badly at this, so big effort  this year!

The deadline to have thing in is wednesday 20th November, so speak to your form tutors and look at the link below!

Non Uniform Day

Next Friday - 15th November, non-school uniform day for Children in Need.


Learners are able to come to school without school uniform and asked to make a donation of £1 to the charity.


Requested through School Council.


Sensible clothes and shoes - No hair dye / spray paint etc.

Christmas Quiz

As we all know, the Autumn Term ends with a Christmas quiz. What categories would you like to see in the quiz? Would you want to represent your house in the quiz?

Discuss categories, what kind of questions etc, within form time, and ask your form tutors to email me, and I will make sure your suggestions are given to the 6th Form who are organising the event.

Welcome back!

Welcome back to the second half term of the year!

These are the marks so far for the house cup.


Second is ok, but we really need to be pushing for merits and EMA's thoughout this term, leading to the Christmas Quiz at the end of the term.

As competitions are started, members of the 6th form will come around to get participants, as this is where we have really excelled over previous years!


This is the attendance percentage for the house from September until now!

Well done to OL-PRJ for getting the best, but we are still below our 93% target.


Numeracy Gadget

Please have a look at the numeracy gadget on the left of the screen. Mr. Jones has found it, and as a maths teacher, I am sure he would love to see you all use it!

Orchestra and musical

1.) Orchestra is after school on wednesdays- everybody who receives brass / woodwind / violin / cello needs to attend. Certain guitar pupils are expected to attend.


2.) High School Musical auditions are thursdays after school in the main hall - everybody is welcome to attend.

Form Reps

These are  the people who make up the Olwen House Council.

If you have issues you wish to be discussed in a meeting bring it to their attention!

Year 9
Year 10
Year 11
Ffion Price
Keavey Shiers
Oliver Cox
Paige Lovell
Scott Lyttle
Ceri Olsen
Ffion Williams
Harley Johnson
Abby Crimmins
Joshua Blanks
Lowri Harris
James Elder
Abigail Gibbons
Ben Reed
Courtney Maloney
Brandon Buchanan
Connor Street
Rio Workman

Form Assemblies

Congratulations to OL-MT for a great assembly on thrusday, The other forms will be doing their assemblies on these dates:


18th November – MDH

13th January – PRJ

17th February – AST

5th May – BH

9th June – JMH.

Consultation group

Olwen Consultation Group

Leader: Andi-Lee Jordan

OL-AST = Reanna Lalies, Mathew Bale

OL-BH = Brandon Llewellyn, Morgan Price
OL-MT = Jake Powell, Casey Dudley
OL-MDH = Jordan Bale, Cole Lewis
OL-JMH = Regan  Price, Courtney Vickery
OL-PRJ = Dani Stanton, Jamie Leigh Jones

Revision for Yr 11

Don't forget that on Tuesdays and Wednesdays there are revision sessions for Maths and English! If you are a part of the target group, you must attend!

Homework Club

Alas, there will be no homework club in the Library tonight.

Joining the police.

Some Yr 11's across the school have shown interest in this!

Gwent Police are looking for cadets aimed at year 11 studentsTo apply visit : to download an application pack. Closing date 4 October. 


Dont forget, if you need someone to talk to about anything, there will be a "drop in" counselling session available in the Inclusion Centre (2nd floor in Blue) after school between 3 and 3.30pm


Mr. Staniforths form proving how photogenic they are!

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to all Olwen learners!

It has been really nice to see all Olwen learners return to school. We were extremely successful last year winning both the sports days and the House Award. It would be fantastic to finish this year in the same style as we finished last year!

Its all change with the new form area, and remember, if there is anything we can do to make your learning better, all you need to do is talk to us!

Food Taster day

As we were told in assembly on Tuesday, a catering company called Theo's will be in the food court on monday for a taster day of their chicken products. And the best bit? Its free!

Math revision

There are Maths revision sessions for both Year 11 and Year 10 happening in our unit on Wednesdays from 3pm onwards. If in doubt about maths, or there are bits you don't understand, this is your opportunity to find out and be successful!