At present, I have mixed feelings about the House.
On the one hand, we have won the first House of the Year award, and secured the trip to Oakwood. I am extremely pleased and proud of the house for accomplishing this, and it was an amazing feeling standing on the stage on friday getting the award and knowing it was the first one.
Going by the results of yesterdays sports day, we won legitimately, however this is where I have mixed feelings.
I am quite disappointed with the fact we came last.
We came last because we did not enter all the events we could. Where people entered, by and large we were successful - Olwen came first in year 8, and second in year 9. However the amount of points Branwen got in year 9 gave them the victory.
We could blame the fact we were so far away from the PA speakers and did not hear people calling for the events, however, we had programs, and the times of events were featured in the program.
The House captains did a good job of organising, however they were swamped, and could not organise everything.
What let us down is how many people could not be bothered. Either by not coming in, or by simply sitting down and doing nothing.
Year 10 attendance was shocking, and with other houses represented, and Olwen not, victory was not an option.
It has to be said, Shannen Hemmings getting the drum was genius! Before dinner we were a lacklustre house, and it did not matter if we won or lost, and for the first time ever, the house was apathetic.
After dinner, having the drum as a focal point, the whole atmosphere in the house changed, and irrespective of the position we found ourselves in, we were proud of who we were and the colour we wear - had we been like that from the beginning, who knows what the final result would have been.
As sports day is now the first event in the calendar, not the last, all the positions have been reversed. we are now in last place, Taliesin third, Pryderi second with Branwen in the lead. They are forty points ahead of us.
We were ninety nine points ahead of Branwen before sports day - we should therefore be able to claw back forty points!
As a House, we are going on the first reward trip organised for winning the house cup tomorrow.
For us to achieve this again, we will have to work doubly hard next year, getting EMAs and merits, winning competitions, and showing to the school we are the best house!
I do not want the house to be last again.