House Points

House point situation this week stands at:

Branwen: 109
Olwen : 97
Pryderi: 90
Taliesin: 83

Since September The houses have earned:

Branwen: 69
Olwen: 87
Pryderi: 60
Taliesin: 63

There are only 26 house points between the houses. Keep up the good work, and continue to gain the EMA's and continue to enter competitions in subject areas!

Congratulations to PRJ

PRJ did an excellent assembly yesterday! It was so nice to see a polished piece of work, and nice to see the attentiveness of the whole house!

I am looking forward to seeing APW's assembly in the last week of November!

5x60 after school activities

PE staff and others are providing lots to do during dinner times and after school to keep you entertained and learning! Please make a point of using the facilities offered to you!

Curriculum Day

Well done to the Year 8's who took part in curriculum day - out of two groups, one came first and another came second in the competitions run by the PE department! Thanks to Mr. Devney and all the other teachers in PE for making this possible!

Curriculum Day

Tomorrow is curriculum day:

Please make sure you go to the right place.

Year 9:

You will be taught in your old Year 8 TFL groups, and in the morning go to these rooms:

JOH - ICT with Mrs. Smith
AMC - ICT with Mr. Jones
SP - French with Mrs. Tiexeria
APW - French with Miss. Allman
LSD - Art with Mr. Hicks
JA - Art with Mrs. Nelson

Year 10:

You are all to go to the hall, where you will be divided into groups. You will be in houses, and there is a house competition.

Year 11:

You will be in your Welsh Bacc groups, and you are to go to the English wing.