More Netball Success!

Key Stage 3 girls have added to the Netball success with Victory on Tuesday over the other houses. Well done to the girls, boys competitions will be announced shortly!

First Victory of the Year

Well done to the KS 4 Netball team, who won a resounding victory last week in the first competition of the year!

Operation Christmas Box

Your form tutors will spend some time going through the do's and dont's of christmas boxes this afternoon, please pay attention to them, and then get cracking on this! We are ahead in the competitions at the moment, it would be nice to stay that way!

Maths Clinic

KS4 Maths Clinic


If you are a KS4 learner and are experiencing difficulties in a particular Maths topic, please attend the Maths Clinic. The clinics will take place on Tuesdays in C0:24 between 3.15pm and 4.15pm until Christmas.

Prom Committee

Want to be part of the Prom committee? Give your name to your form tutor by the end of the day - voting will take place next week to choose three representatives from each house.

Bettws Fireworks Extravaganza

Please attend!

Important information from Taliesin.

This year october has 5 Mondays, 5 Tuesdays, 5 Wednesdays.

This happens once every 823 years.

This is called money bags!

(Based on chinese Feng Shui)

Locker keys

locker keys will be available from the Admin Office from tomorrow at break, lunch and after school only.

Hospitality and Jamie Oliver Learners

Message from Mrs. Pagington and Mrs. Williams:

Please can you ensure you bring all your ingredients to the food room at 8.30am on the day of your practical lessons

Extra curricular music lessons

Instrument lessons are starting this week, and learners with need to check time and dates in the main music roon.

Also, Whole school orchestra sessions are starting on Wednesday after school in the main hall, and anyone who receives lessons, or plays an orchestral instrument needs to attend.

Olwen House Council

Olwen house is in need of a house council. We need each TFL group to have a representative from each year group - yr 9,10, and 11.

These student will then form the house council and meet witrh house captains to discuss any issues they would like to be put ot Mrs. Keane in School Council Meetings.

If you are interested, let your form tutor know, and in form votes will be taken this week!


Locker Keys

Locker keys are available to you. There is a change from last year. In order for you to get a locker key you must pay a deposit of £4. When you return the key at the end of your time in school, Your £4 will be returned to you, but if you lose your key, you lose your deposit, and will have to pay another £4 in order to get another key.

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to the new school year!

Locker Keys

If you have not given your locker key to your form tutor, can you do so please? The envelope must have your name, the number of the locker, and the serial number of the key written on it. If a key is not given in then you will be charged £4 for a new one, and your certificates will be witheld until this is paid.

Sports Day

It has been confirmed by Mrs. Keane that Sports Day will go ahead on Monday!

Head Boy

Well done to Jacob McCarthy, who through a process of interviews has gained the post of Head Boy. Since the house system started, all head boys have been members of Olwen House.

Year 11 Leavers Ceremony

The year 11 leavers assembly will take place on Friday 15th June at 12pm. The assembly will be finished by 1.00pm and you will be dismissed through the fire exit. Any students who want to access the canteen for food will need to return through reception at 1.05pm. 

Please remember you need to be in full school uniform to attend.

start of exams

Mr Tidman would like to congratulate all KS4 learners who sat the RS exam yesterday for their fantastic conduct.

It was a great start to the exam season.

Homework club

Homework club will finish at 3.30 rather than 4pm tomorrow (9th May) It is however running normally today.

Year 11 Prom

Year 11's!

If you wish to attend the prom, all deposits must be in to Mrs. Rowlands by 30th April at the very latest, as she needs to know how many are attending.

Year 11 photographs

Mr. Hoskins has asked for any photos of Year 11 learners that can be used for the leaving ceremony to be emailed to him.

If you have any photos that could be used, please email them to him at , otherwise he will have to write a longer speech.

Yr 11 study leave & leavers assembly

The Yr 11 Leavers Assembly will take place on Thurs June 14th (pm), therefore study leave for Yr 11 students has been agreed to commence on this date. However any student completing a vocational qualification will be expected to continue attending these lessons until their course has been completed (at STLs discretion).

Welcome Back!!

Welcome back to all Olwen learners - Lets make this the  most successful term to date!!

The winning streak is back!!

New house competition and the first win for Olwen! Well done to all the boys, and to those who have supported them!
May this be the first of many wins!

Year 11 interviews

Do not forget you have interviews tomorrow to discuss the sixth from. Should you not be able to make it can you let Mrs. Nelson know please?

Millbrook non uniform day

Milbrook school have a non uniform day tomorrow.

We do not.

Make sure you come in tomorrow wearing full uniform, and make sure it is of the high standard those in Olwen are expected to keep.

Revision Conference

All Year 10's are off timetable on tuesday, and they are taking part in the revision conference organised by Mr. Lawlor.

You will need to be in full uniform, and go to the hall when you arrive in school.

Year 11 have shown they are mature in situations like this.

You need to show you are as mature and sensible as they are, as you are representing the school and they house!

GCSE results

GCSE results from the November exams will be available from the reprographics hatch from Thursday onwards.

House Council

The three members of the house council must go to the maths unit for the school council meeting tomorrow 5th lesson.

Don't forget!!

Year 9 assembly

There will be an assembly in the hall for all of year 9 on wednesday. Please can year 9 come to registration, get their marks and then go to the hall please?