Locker keys

locker keys will be available from the Admin Office from tomorrow at break, lunch and after school only.

Hospitality and Jamie Oliver Learners

Message from Mrs. Pagington and Mrs. Williams:

Please can you ensure you bring all your ingredients to the food room at 8.30am on the day of your practical lessons

Extra curricular music lessons

Instrument lessons are starting this week, and learners with need to check time and dates in the main music roon.

Also, Whole school orchestra sessions are starting on Wednesday after school in the main hall, and anyone who receives lessons, or plays an orchestral instrument needs to attend.

Olwen House Council

Olwen house is in need of a house council. We need each TFL group to have a representative from each year group - yr 9,10, and 11.

These student will then form the house council and meet witrh house captains to discuss any issues they would like to be put ot Mrs. Keane in School Council Meetings.

If you are interested, let your form tutor know, and in form votes will be taken this week!


Locker Keys

Locker keys are available to you. There is a change from last year. In order for you to get a locker key you must pay a deposit of £4. When you return the key at the end of your time in school, Your £4 will be returned to you, but if you lose your key, you lose your deposit, and will have to pay another £4 in order to get another key.

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to the new school year!