Badminton victory!

Well done to Year 9 who won the Badminton championship last night! Thanks to Miss Mee and the Games Department for organising!

Good luck to Year 10 and Year 11 who play tonight!


With the departure of Mr. Waring, we lost a good tutor for learning. However we have gained an excellent tutor for learning from Pryderi!

OL-AST replaces OL-APW, as Mr. Staniforth joins us! He is working hard in school with Sport and Leisure, and also does alot to make extra curricular sports happen within the school!

I am sure he will have a pleasant transition to our house, and that he will enjoy his time with us!

KS4 Tournaments

We still do not have enough people to represent the house on wednesday and thursday.

Thanks to all who have put their names forward, but we need more! Speak to either Sep, Amiee, or your tutor for learning!

Extra Maths Sessions

Please can you be aware of the extra sessions being laid on by the maths department. These sessions are being put in place to help YOU gain your qualifications.

If you are meant to attend please attend: if you are unsure speak to your Maths teacher or your Tutor for Learning.

Year 10 Work Experience

The deadline for year 10 to hand in work experience forms is December 16th.

Please can you make sure your forms are handed to your WBQ teachers.

Christmas lunch

Christmas lunch is tomorrow!

Can you please let your form tutor know whether you wish to have it, so numbers of people can be given to the canteen.

House competitions

The PE department are putting on a number of house competitions next week, and unlike the ones at half term, there is a competition open to all ages.

Monday - Year 7 mixed basketball

Tuesday year 8 mixed basketball

Key stage 4 competions are on wednesday and thursday:

Wednesday Year 9 badminton. 4 pairs are required, preferably 4 boys and 4 girls.

Thursday Year 10 and Year 11 badminton. 4 pairs are required for year 10 and 4 pairs are required for year 11.

Olwen have always done well in these competitions because we always have people there.

Sep and Aimee will be coming around the forms getting names of those who wish to participate during registrations between now and the end of the week.

If you are interested, talk to them!

House Points

House point situation this week stands at:

Branwen: 109
Olwen : 97
Pryderi: 90
Taliesin: 83

Since September The houses have earned:

Branwen: 69
Olwen: 87
Pryderi: 60
Taliesin: 63

There are only 26 house points between the houses. Keep up the good work, and continue to gain the EMA's and continue to enter competitions in subject areas!

Congratulations to PRJ

PRJ did an excellent assembly yesterday! It was so nice to see a polished piece of work, and nice to see the attentiveness of the whole house!

I am looking forward to seeing APW's assembly in the last week of November!

5x60 after school activities

PE staff and others are providing lots to do during dinner times and after school to keep you entertained and learning! Please make a point of using the facilities offered to you!

Curriculum Day

Well done to the Year 8's who took part in curriculum day - out of two groups, one came first and another came second in the competitions run by the PE department! Thanks to Mr. Devney and all the other teachers in PE for making this possible!

Curriculum Day

Tomorrow is curriculum day:

Please make sure you go to the right place.

Year 9:

You will be taught in your old Year 8 TFL groups, and in the morning go to these rooms:

JOH - ICT with Mrs. Smith
AMC - ICT with Mr. Jones
SP - French with Mrs. Tiexeria
APW - French with Miss. Allman
LSD - Art with Mr. Hicks
JA - Art with Mrs. Nelson

Year 10:

You are all to go to the hall, where you will be divided into groups. You will be in houses, and there is a house competition.

Year 11:

You will be in your Welsh Bacc groups, and you are to go to the English wing.

Year 8 football competition

Well done to the lads in the football competition - they came third, but it isn't last! good luck to Year 9 girls and boys in their competitions!

Year 8 Netball Competition

Well done to our Year 8 girls who WON the Interhouse Netball competition today!

Welsh Word of the Week!

It is worth remembering we do not speak the native language of our country. Although Welsh is not our first language, it is our native language, and we should feel the same pride in our language that we feel in our various sporting teams.

Therefore there will be a new feature called "Welsh Word of the Week", where a word, usually not found in the text book, but used in every day life, will be shown.

This will build to form "Welsh Sentence of the Week", which will hopefully add to your knowledge of Welsh, help you pass exams, and be able to speak you native language well!

homework club

be aware that on tuesday 11th October, Homework Club in the library will be finishing early at 3.30, instead of 4.00.

time to start winning again....

There are six competitions at the end of this half term where house point can be won:

monday 17th October: Year 7 football and netball
tuesday 18th October: Year 8 football and netball
wednesday 18th October Year 9 football and netball

If you want to represent the house, get a team sorted out and WIN!!!

Recycling collection

Still looking forward to getting names for the re-cycling group... names to me ASAP!

Recycling collection

As we know, recycling is extremely important to the school!

We need 4 learners from Olwen to volunteer to collect the paper recycling from our unit on a regular basis.

Those people will do this on a tuesday, and look after our wing and the offices outside.

People doing this will be doing the school a service, and probably be showered with EMA's!!

Interested parties need to speak to Mr. Whitehead or Mr. Boschen.

Should no one volunteer, people will be volunteered...

captains and elections

I am very pleased to announce Olwen has two new house captains: They are Sepehr Nowrouz, and Aimee Whitehead. I am sure they will live up to the excellent standards our previous house captains have shown, and if anything, will push further to make their own marks!

Also, in elections held today, the year reps were chosen. Shannen Hemmings, Nikkita Iles, and Kitty Flannerly are representing years 11,10 and 9 respectively!

If you have any issues, speak to these people, or your form reps, as it will not be long before the first meetings are held!

Open Evening!!

I need people to help out on open evening!

If you want to help out and show prospective parents around our school, please give me your name!

Or I will pick people.

Fire Drills

Be aware that should fire break out in the school, there is a definite procedure in place.

If the bell should ring, your teacher will ask you to move towards the nearest exit, and you are to make your way to the astro turf.

Once there you are to line up, in your forms near the blue square on the far fence. Your TFLs will then mark you off on a list and you will wait until you are dismissed to return to lesson.

Every time we do a fire drill Olwen is complimented on how well we do this.

I would like this to continue this year!


There is no assembly on thursday!

Free School Meals

Be aware!

If you have free school meals, the money for the meal does not appear on the display at the machine on the wall, however, it does appear at the till when you pay for your food.

Only money you have put on your card will be displayed at the machine.

Welcome back!

It is good to see you all back safe and sound - I am looking forward to an even more successful year than the last year, and I am sure you will all rise to the challenge!!

Any problems, please speak to me or your form tutors!


Mixed Feelings

At present, I have mixed feelings about the House.

On the one hand, we have won the first House of the Year award, and secured the trip to Oakwood. I am extremely pleased and proud of the house for accomplishing this, and it was an amazing feeling standing on the stage on friday getting the award and knowing it was the first one.

Going by the results of yesterdays sports day, we won legitimately, however this is where I have mixed feelings.

I am quite disappointed with the fact we came last.

We came last because we did not enter all the events we could. Where people entered, by and large we were successful - Olwen came first in year 8, and second in year 9. However the amount of points Branwen got in year 9 gave them the victory.

We could blame the fact we were so far away from the PA speakers and did not hear people calling for the events, however, we had programs, and the times of events were featured in the program.

The House captains did a good job of organising, however they were swamped, and could not organise everything.

What let us down is how many people could not be bothered. Either by not coming in, or by simply sitting down and doing nothing.

Year 10 attendance was shocking, and with other houses represented, and Olwen not, victory was not an option.

It has to be said, Shannen Hemmings getting the drum was genius! Before dinner we were a lacklustre house, and it did not matter if we won or lost, and for the first time ever, the house was apathetic.

After dinner, having the drum as a focal point, the whole atmosphere in the house changed, and irrespective of the position we found ourselves in, we were proud of who we were and the colour we wear - had we been like that from the beginning, who knows what the final result would have been.

As sports day is now the first event in the calendar, not the last, all the positions have been reversed. we are now in last place, Taliesin third, Pryderi second with Branwen in the lead. They are forty points ahead of us.

We were ninety nine points ahead of Branwen before sports day - we should therefore be able to claw back forty points!

As a House, we are going on the first reward trip organised for winning the house cup tomorrow.

For us to achieve this again, we will have to work doubly hard next year, getting EMAs and merits, winning competitions, and showing to the school we are the best house!

I do not want the house to be last again.


Sports Day

Bore Da Pawb!

As we are staying in school for sports day, you will be expected to be in correct school uniform on friday, unless you are competing. If you are competing you are to wear your PE kit, though a plain blue top is acceptable.

Please can you make sure you do NOT use blue hair dye and blue facepaint? It often makes a mess...

One final push, and Oakwood here we come!!

Year 10 Work experience

Just a quick note to say work experience is from Monday to Friday 4th July - 8th July.

Year 10's are not involved in sports day.

Olwen Mark IV

Today is the day Year 8 join us, and we become a house again!

Firstly welcome to you if you are new to us, and don't forget, any problems please talk to your TFL or me.

Secondly, Mr. Hicks has organised an activity to redesign the Olwen logo - any entrant will gain an EMA, and should your logo be chosen you will receive a house point, and your logo will be used on all documentation!

Thirdly, we have sports day coming, and even with the lead we have, we must enter and win in order to go to Oakwood. Aarron Betts will be coming around the forms to speak to you to organise the competition and to make sure that all events are entered!



Olwen Blog.

Important information is shown to learners in a simple fashion using the blog. Announcements, timetables, and praise are just some of the things that can be shown to learners suring registration times.

The blog can be accessed from home, and dates of interest can be shown.

The blog offers extra maths help, and the "Thought of the Week", which is often a philosophical question aimed at making learners think.

Any suggestions regarding the blog would be greatly appreciated!


Please can you fill the chairs at the front of the assembly hall, rather than go to the back as you have been doing!



Bore Da Olwen!

This week Olwen is depleted, Our Year 11's have gone.

This does not mean that we can relax! Our new cohort comes to us next week and I expect you to set a good example to them, as I know you can!

Make sure the Year 8's are welcomed into your forms, and that they are happy in Olwen.


Locker keys and dinner cards

Bore da Year 11!!

Your dinner cards and locker keys need to be returned by friday 10th June.

Envolopes will be provided for the items and your name and locker number must be written on it - if this is not done it will be impossible to match the key to the locker.

Any learner without a locker key must provide £4 to replace it.

If you do not return these items you will not be allowed into the Leavers Ceremony on Friday


computer club

There is a new computer club on thursdays in room D202, between 3 and 4.

It is free of charge, and will involved various multiplayer LAN games, team fortress and counterstrike.

If you are interested, you have to get a permission slip from Mr. Webb

Examination protocol

It is worth reminding people that exams are coming and that there are certain rules and regulations that must be followed:

Be on time - an exam can start without you if you are late, and it is up to the discretion of the moderators as to whether you can enter. If they do allow you to enter you will be at a disadvantage as you will have less time.

do not communicate with anyone once inside the exam room - If you speak to anyone about anything. If the moderator suspects you have been speaking to someone, and therefore suspects you of cheating, then you will be asked to leave, your paper will be cancelled, and any papers you are sitting with the exam board will also be cancelled.

Do not use mobile phones, ipod, MP3 players or any forms of electronic device - Anything that can store or transmit information is banned within an examination room. The reason for this should be obvious. Make sure phones are off, or better still left at home. If one rings in an exam this can also lead you to have your paper cancelled.

Stay until the end. If you are in a 2 hour paper, it is because the exam board feel you need 2 hours to complete. If you have finished after half an hour, you will not be allowed to leave, so you may as well prepare for the exam correctly!

Please be sensible, and get the qualifications you deserve!

prom tickets

Prom tickets are now on sale!!

See Mrs. Lampitt in the Admin office during break times, lunchtimes and afternoons only

Tickets are £15 each.

Year 11 Prom will be held at the Peterstone Lake Golf Club Friday 8th July 2011

Leavers ceremony

People in Year 11!!

Do you have photos that can be used in the leavers ceremony of you and your friends of your time at Bettws/Newport High School?

If you wish to contribute, let me or Mr. Lawlor know as soon as possible!

House Meeting

Mathew Paskin and Lauren Hale will be running a house meeting for form reps on friday, 5th lesson on the conference room.

If you are a form rep, please can you attend the meeting?

This is your time to have your say about the way the school is run, make the most of it!

If you are not a form rep, but there is a pressing issue you wish to have discussed then let your form reps know!!

House Points

All the points were totted up by Mr. Lawlor over the holidays, and Olwen at the moment have 163 house points! The next house to us has 30 less points!

This does not mean that we rest upon our laurels, we still need Extra Mile Awards, which will then lead to house points!!

Rugby tournament

Huge congratulations go out to those lads who played in the rugby tournament today! Taliesin only beat us on points, but that really does not matter, people took part and competed, and this is a good thing!

Rugby tournament

On wednesday there will be a KS3 Rugby tourament that will run from 3 - 4.30 on the bottom field. House points will be awarded for this!


There is no KS4 assembly this thursday, but remember there is a whole house assembly in the hall on friday!

Extra Mile Awards

Connor Lingard has been awarded an Extra Mile Award for his work in gymnastics - he emailed JDV to tell him - if you are doing things out of school, either competing in competitions, or doing something for the community, let us know, and awards will be given!

Thought of the week

Very thought provoking issue this week - as the week is shorter, the poll has been put in today - do not forget to vote! Your individual votes are important too, so you can vote when you look at the blog on your own, as well as your form vote.

Extra Mile Awards

The following people have already got Extra Mile Awards:

keep it up!
Chantelle Vickery
Shannen Hemmings (3)
Hollie Kempson (2)
Danielle Bath
Sepehr Nowrouz (3)
Luyandusapho Msomi

Get more!!


It has to be said, Olwen house were BRILLIANT yesterday in assembly. When the Head teacher comments upon the maturity of the house moving from one place to another in difficult circumstances in a positive way, it makes me extremely happy.

Well done people - we are still the best house!!

Pathways evening

Pathways evening for year 11 into year 12 will take place at the Christchirch Centre on the 16th March. If you are in year 11 you really should be there to see what is on offer to you!

unform and piercings.

Olwen have always been good regarding uniform standards, however these have been dropping recently. If you are wearing the wrong kind of cardigan, trainers, or you have innapropriate piercings, you will be warned about it, but very soon there will be a crackdown by the school in general. I would prefer it if no Olwen people were involved in this.

You have been warned...

Revision Conference

Tuesday 15th March is the Year 10 revision conference. Year 10 will be off timetable for the day.

Please look at the link below:

and familiarise yourself with it, School uniform must be worn!

Cycle Shelter

Got a bike? want to ride it to school? Worried about where you can leave it for it to be safe? Worry no longer, with Cycle Shelter!!

Your bikes can be put in there at the beginning of the day, and it will then be locked up until 3.00, keeping your bike safe. You will however have to provide your own locks within the shelter.

There will be a "Cycle to School" promotion at the end of March - More information to follow!

This week!

Olwen House has not had a bad week this week!

Firstly, Olwen won the Eistedfodd for the third time, well done to all those in KS 3 who participated!

Secondly, All the merits have been converted into House Points, and Olwen had the most, so at the start of the competition, we have 40 house points!

Keep up the good work!

School Leaver Jabs

The final opportunity for Year 10 to have their school leaver jab is on 25th March. Those who have returned their form will be called on the day. If you have not had the jab as yet you need to return your form to Mr. Boschen as soon as possible.


3rd March - The Food Court is putting on a traditional Chinese themed day - with rice, noodles, and other exotic foods on offer. There will be a full meal priced at £2.20.

As this has been something organised because the student voice thought it would be a good idea, please support this!

Welcome back!

Welcome back to all Olwen Learners! It was nice to wander around the unit yesterday, because there was such a positive attitude in the form rooms!

keep it up!

And finally....

Have a good week off, and come back to school refreshed and ready to succeed!

A friendly warning....

It has been noted by the staff in Tesco's on Malpas Road that there has been an increase in the amount of shoplifting in the store.

The manager has got in touch with the school saying anyone caught will be prosecuted and will receive a criminal record.

It is worth noting here that the uniform is very distinctive, and that when you wear it, you represent the school. I would expect learners from Olwen to understand this, and do their best to act sensibly and represent the school in a positive light.

Chess Tournament

Mr Evans in Taliesin has been arranging a chess tournament for Taliesin. He has now opened it up to all houses! Charlotte Wall knows how to play chess, and has volunteered to lead the Olwen assault upon the other houses. If you are good, quite good, brilliant, or actually not very good, it does not matter, if you are interested in spending Thursday or Friday dinnertimes playing the honourable game, please let Charlotte know and she will speak to Mr. Evans, and we shall be victorious!!!!!


Thanks to all of those who attended options evening last night.

You are to be given the opportunity to put your choices down on monday.

Year 9 learners will go to D2:01/D2:02 with Miss Butcher during P1
Year 10 learners will go to D2:01/D2:01 with Miss Butcher during P2

During reg you will have a last opportunity to discuss this with you form tutors.

Options evening!!!

3 days to go until Options Evening!

Option evening!!!

4 days to go until Options Evening!!

Options evening

In year 8 9 or 10 and unsure of what course to take next year?

Never fear! On the 10th February there is an options evening, where you can talk to course leaders and teachers to find out which courses would suit you best!

Make use of this opportunity people!

English Websites

Mrs Meynell has been kind enough to send me some websites you may find useful when studying English:

they are:


please make use of them!

it may appear there is no hyperlinks here: they appear almost like magic when you hover the mouse over them!!

Assembly this week

Don't forget - if you are in Year 11 DO NOT GO TO THE DRAMA STUDIO FOR ASSEMBLY on Thursday - Mr. Roth and the House Captains will be speaking to you about the sixth form in the Olwen unit.

Year 9 and 10 will go to the drama studio where Mr. Lawlor will be speaking to you about options.

You lucky people!!! :)

Maths Revision

As we are all aware, Mathematics is incredibly important and in order to succeed in virtually anything, having high grade MAths GCSE is a bit of a must.

Many of you are having problems with this, but never fear! The Maths department are giving up an incredible amount much free time to be on hand to help you achieve this.

Between them, in a week, they are doing nearly a days extra teaching, SIMPLY IN ORDER TO HELP YOU!!!

Therefore if you are in Year 10 or 11, there are sessions after school to help you, on tuesday, wednesday and thursday!

Notices are up in the form rooms, so there is no excuse why Olwen learners cannot attend at least one of these sessions a week.

As has been said before , please do not let me down!

stone throwing

It has been reported to me, and to the other Heads of Houses, that a problem is starting to occur in school during dinner times. Some people (hopefully no one in Olwen) have been seen throwing stones in the outside areas of the school.

As you can imagine, in a school which has been designed to let in light, i.e. LOTS of windows, stone throwing is a very bad idea.

If you have been doing it, please stop. Any damage you cause will be billed to your parents, and will be dealt with severely in school.

6th Form Transition assembly

In year 11? Not sure whether 6th form is good for you? have nowhere to turn for information?
Fear not!!!

On friday 14th January there will be an assembly for ALL year 11 learners in the sixth form common room to introduce the transition from KS4 to KS5. Be prompt, whether you are intending to go to sixth form or not

Please do not let me down!!

Employer Mentoring Session

The third employer mentoring session for Year 10 and Year 11 will take place on Thursday 13th January between 11am and 1pm.

The meetings will take place in the library and each student will have a 20 minute session with their mentors.

Your TFL's have the timetable, and Ms. Butcher will come around with student appointment card to remind you of the times.

Olwen did well last time this was done, if you have an appointment, can you make sure you keep it!

School meeting!

The School Council will be meeting tomorrow (tuesday) 5th lesson in C0:01. If you are a house rep, please make sure you are there!!!

Year 10 Work experience

Mrs. Butcher has been speaking to me and the other Heads of Houses regarding Year 10 work experience.

It seems that out of about 120 Year 10's only 36 have been able to get placements.

For you to go on Work Experience, you will need to get a placement: Ask your folks, family, people you know and trust to see what can be arranged, because without a placement, you will stay in school for the W/E time, and will miss out on a valuable opportunity to gain experience!


Happy New Year!

We have had a think about what merits are given to learners in Olwen. We have decided to make them standard throughout the house, and make sure everyone knows what they are getting merits for!

The merits will be given for:
Planner and equipment
Manners and Attitude.

If you are on time every day for a week, this is two merits. If you have your planner signed and equipment when you have a spot check, this is another. If your uniform is correct every day in a week, this is the fourth, and the fifth is for the general way you treat people: treat staff and peers respectfully and this is your fifth merit!

Merit charts will be available in all form rooms and will show your totals