Maths Revision

As we are all aware, Mathematics is incredibly important and in order to succeed in virtually anything, having high grade MAths GCSE is a bit of a must.

Many of you are having problems with this, but never fear! The Maths department are giving up an incredible amount much free time to be on hand to help you achieve this.

Between them, in a week, they are doing nearly a days extra teaching, SIMPLY IN ORDER TO HELP YOU!!!

Therefore if you are in Year 10 or 11, there are sessions after school to help you, on tuesday, wednesday and thursday!

Notices are up in the form rooms, so there is no excuse why Olwen learners cannot attend at least one of these sessions a week.

As has been said before , please do not let me down!

1 comment:

  1. "The Maths department are giving up an incredible amount much free time"

    Someone need's some english revision.

    The Maths department are giving up an incredible amount of free time.
